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Candidate Experience

Candidate engagement tools that win you talent.

Decrease time-to-offer and get first dibs on the best talent around with your very own Candidate Portal.

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The ModernLoop platform has thought through the user experience from every perspective - the candidate, the recruiter, the interviewer, Recruiting Operations, and of course, the Recruiting Coordinator.
Brittany Duanno, Heading of Recruiting Operations & Employer Brand
extra mile

Go the extra mile for every hire with your very own Candidate Portal.

Bring the best out of each candidate by automatically creating interview cadences and curating panels suited to their unique personas.

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red carpet

Roll out the red carpet.

Set the right expectations with impeccable interview planning, messaging, and contextual info. ModernLoop helps you convey your culture and inspire curiosity at every stage.

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hire faster

Hire faster (and smarter).

Coordinate hundreds of interview processes while ensuring each one maintains your hiring bar — whatever your size or growth plans.

Simplify every stage of the interview process.


Tailor invites

Send custom email and calendar invites directly 
to your candidates.
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Share LinkedIn profiles

Welcome candidates into your company network with early LinkedIn connections.
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Minimize meeting links

Candidates can use the same Zoom or Google Calendar link for every interview.
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Make your next hires feel at home.

Your own branded Candidate Portal gives applicants a dedicated space to review their interview journey, read up about your company, and look ahead at next steps.
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Automate the admin.

Create a private Slack channel for every candidate and interviewer to share schedules and interview details, so no applicant is ever left in the dark.

Assess tech skills, minus the technical issues.

Integrate with top coding tools like CoderPad, HackerRank, CodeSignal, and Codility to automatically generate and attach coding collaborations to your chosen interviews.